GIAI network

ChatGPT to replace not (intelligent) jobs but (boring) tasks

ChatGPT is to replace not jobs but tedious tasksFor newspapers, ‘rewrite man’ will soon be goneFor other jobs, the ‘boring’ parts will be replaced by AI, but not the intellectual and challenging parts
There has been over a year of hype for Large Language Models(LLMs). At the onset and initial round of hype, people outside of …

PostHocErgoPropterHoc GIAI 20240614

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc – impossible challenges in finding causality in data science

Data Science can find correlation but not causalityIn stat, no causal but high correlation is called ‘Spurious regression’Hallucinations in LLMs are repsentative examples of spurious correlation
Imagine two twin kids living in the neighborhood. One prefers to play outside day and night, while the other mostly sticks to his video games. After a year later, doctors …

1 + 1 = 3 Text on Black Chalkboard

Don’t be (extra) afraid of math. It is just a language

Math in AI/Data Science is not really math, but a shortened version of English paragraph.In science, researchers often ask ‘plz speak in plain English’, a presentation that math is just to explain science in more scientific way.
I liked math until high school, but it became an abomination during my college days. I had no choice …