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Many graduate students who are hesitant to join MBA

Many graduate students who are hesitant to join MBA still debate whether it is still worth the job – whether it’s online MBA or not. Elon Musk, according to founder believes that an MBA is not required – “I think there might be too many MBAs running companies…there should be more product or service itself, …

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How Have People’s Attitudes Toward Online MBA Programs Changed Recently?

Many people mistakenly believed that online MBA programs were inferior to on-campus business programs, so they refused to earn degrees online. Surprisingly, Fortune Education reported that the online MBA degree program were growing in popularity even before the COVID-19 pandemic – it has increased by 85%, from 284 to 526 between the year of 2016-17 …

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mit_Increasing Emphasis on Students’ Mental Health at MBAs

As the pandemic brought abrupt changes to many aspects of life, ranging anywhere from toilet paper shortage to transition to remote studying and working, so has it greatly affected people’s well-being, especially their mental health. Higher education institutions have long been keeping a close eye on their students’ mental health, working to reduce suicide rates …

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mit_Integrating Discussion on Climate Change Into Business School Curriculums

With sea levels rising, longer and more extreme droughts, and stronger tropical storms, the global community is feeling the effects of climate change stronger every year. According to many scientists, we may still have the window of opportunity to save our planet from reaching the irreversible level of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, if and only …

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What Happens When Classes, Including MBA Programs, Go Virtual?

INSEAD, the Business School for the World with an Abu Dhabi campus, announced that virtual reality will be used to enhance the learning experience for the Global Executive Master of Business Administration program — this will allow them to venture through journey, moving to different places they have only seen in videos. This was launched …

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mit_Improving, Yet Still Lacking, Gender Equality in and After MBA

While the male dominance in the population has been witnessed in almost every labor sector, it has been especially prominent in the business world. That, unfortunately, has long been mirrored in business schools across the world. In spite of years of collective, yet often fragmented, efforts to tackle gender inequality, there still remains great disparities …

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US Business Schools Combat Anti-Asian Racism

Business schools in the US take a stand against anti-Asian hate and reiterate their commitment to maintaining diversity in the candidate pipeline
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated xenophobia towards Asian communities, spreading anti-Asian racism. Business schools in the US, global institutions with thousands of Chinese applicants for MBA and MA courses each year, have been dedicated …